Friday, August 7, 2009

The First Days of School

Phew...I made it. Every year it's the same, getting back into the day-to-day routines of a teacher back at work. Man, we do a lot (please don't ever be one of "those" people who say, "I wish I had summers off--must be nice!") In 2 days I: moved into the P.O.D., arranged furniture, installed a shelf above my coatracks, hung posters, planned, and went to numerous meetings.

My class this year, well...they aren't the angels I had last year OR the difficult class I had in 2006-7. We'll see, only time will tell. I'm learning that they need to stay busy...they go from 0 to 60 in 1 second when they are not involved in a task! I have some sweet boys & really kind girls ~ some spunky boys and some that are just I found out on Thurs. when this certain boy said aloud, "I'll get my Thursday folder papers signed if the reward is worth it!" Excuse me?!!!! Needless to say, I gave a bit of a lecture about expectations for a few mins. Such audacity~it truly boggles my mind!

Best kid quote so far this year--a Kindergartener said to our principal on Wed. in the cafeteria when she was monitoring/helping the kiddos eat, line up, etc. "Mrs. Ritz, will you open my apple?" Of course he meant cut it, but SOOOOOO darling!

Sane, for now at least. My To Do's are down to 5...overall I'm managing the start to this school year swell :0).