Saturday, August 25, 2012

"Pink it was Love At First Sight...

...Pink is like red but not quite." -Aerosmith

LOVE that song!  Reminds me of good times with BHS buddies.

But, can you guess my favorite color:

My Macbook, iPad, iPod, & camera!!

I bet you'd guess pink, and I do like it (but my favorite is actually red).  Funny though how I ended up with so much of it's lighter hued friend, right?

The piece de resistance...

Isn't my Snow White vinyl sticker to die for - ME LOVES!
My dad just rolled his eyes...all I need is a pink Kindle case & a pink wireless mouse (hee hee).  BTW, sorry the pics aren't great quality - took them with my phone (which is old & NOT smart) because I left my battery & charger in AZ at my sister's house!