It was Teacher Appreciation Day on 5/7 this year & did you hug a teacher...or thank a teacher? I hope so - I'm a product of the American public school system & I'm proud to be a public educator. Here are the teachers I'm so grateful for:
- Mrs. Barnett - K
- Mrs. Allen - 1st
- Mrs. Valdez - 2nd
- Mrs. Becker - 3rd
- Mrs. Hanson - 4th
- Mrs. Amoriello - 5th
- Dr. Heath - 6th
- Mrs. Hawker - Science (7th)
- Mrs. Sword - English/Home Ec. (8th)
- Mr. Havens - Biology (9th)
- Sr. Tamooka - Spanish (10th)
- Mrs. Roca - English & Mr. Stoddard - Algebra II (11th)
- Mr. Clark - Chemistry (12th)
I may not have "liked" everyone one of them, but they all helped shape me into the adult/teacher I am today - for that I am THANKFUL for you! Mrs. Becker I still have the mug that was given as my 3rd grade Christmas present, I had lunch with Mrs. Hawker a year ago (that was surreal), & Mr. Havens I still remember the gestures for the 4 stages of mitosis, LOL!
I got this on Friday:
So show some love to a teacher - they invested in YOU!