Tuesday, September 8, 2009

September School Times

So, I will try to keep my "teacher talk" (as Juan calls it) to a minimum on my blog...I'm doing so well so far?! NOT!!! Well it is a huge part of my life, but I'm still learning (after 5 years in the biz) that I can't let it be my WHOLE life.

Now, I will try to keep running entries of my favorite funny things kids say...because I swear they are full of little one-liners that keep me laughing. The sad thing is when I tell people, I can't recall the story right then. Hopefully by jotting them down I will have something to jog my memory.

Favorite Quote for September so far: My mom teaches in an MH (Multiple Handicap) room. That means the students have a low IQ/learning disability that is significant. One of her little girls missed Tuesday, September 8, 2009 - the day of the controversial "Obama Speech." Now for a ranting. I am not an Obama fan, but I do believe he is a highly educated man, who is smart enough not to give a politically infused speech to children. I mean COME ON folks!!!! Any way, the little girl in my mom's class was asked, "Why didn't you come to school yesterday? Were you sick?"
She replied to my mom, "No. I'm not sick. My mom kept me home because she didn't want my brain washed yesterday." TOO FUNNNY!

I'm off to wash brains now...

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