Friday, October 22, 2010

Mean Girl?!

So I was at lunch talking about this very topic...then on TV I have been seeing all the re-runs of Real Housewives of _____ (there's OC, DC, Beverly Hills, New York, New Jersey, and Atlanta...did I get 'em all...who knows?). Maybe an even better question is who cares?

Well...being at home for the past 2 weeks can only be filled with so much crafts, shopping, Facebook, Blogging, etc. So I have become a Real Housewives watcher...I must say these WOMEN, not girls, WOMEN are MEAN!! If you were to look up nasty, vindictive, hateful - there has to be the names of these women! It started me thinking, especially because I've really only seen 1 to 3 episodes here and there of a few of the Real Housewives of ____ & then I caught quite a few of their Reunion re-runs yesterday.

Also, if you've ever seen the movie Mean Girls, they are mocking this same kind of caty, hateful, nasty behavior as shown in the reality show Real Housewives of ___.

So my point...I'm kinda jealous & disappointed in myself. Jealous because the STRENGTH these women have - to constantly return to an environment of negativity, & they don't even CRY!! I swear I would be in TEARS...I couldn't do it. I want to be able to say the things they say - do the things they do & walk away without the guilt (that HAS to follow, but that must be when the cameras shut off). And, it begs the question...what do their parents say?

Disappointed because REALLY?!?! That's what you want to project to millions of TV watchers all around the world?!?!?!?! I wouldn't want to look at, let alone meet up with some of these women for "drinks", if I had said 1/2 the hateful and vindictive things they say...

And disappointed that I really think that this is behavior I I really want to be a mean girl? Honestly, I am--my name is right along side those words too...but I die to my human instincts each and every time I allow God in me to shine through. I know what my Dad would say!

Glad my life isn't on camera--not sure I could handle being that "introspective!" But isn't it? God is watching, collecting footage all the time - not for a reality TV show, but to refine me & make me aware of the things I do that aren't Godly.

I really don't want to be a mean girl...I want to be God's girl. The one that makes Him smile from heaven, as He watches the footage of His daughter.

1 comment:

Greg and Jen said...

I don't know if I can picture you ever being mean.... =)

~ Jen