Well, there are many, many stories & memories to share in such a little space. Also, to try would minimize you! You still are larger than life to me Grandpa, so sit back in your lounge chair, & let's take a trip down Kristan's memory lane...hope it makes you smile!
First, I think I've put this off because I wanted to pick the "just right" thing to say...and I've come to realize that you never said the "just right things" you just said what needed saying & were done with it - how I can see that in me at times as both a blessing and a curse! You said things both good and bad that I recall, but they were honest. You were practical so I think you didn't ever feel the need to lie. As I get older, I realize that sometimes we make choices that we aren't proud of...the only thing we can do is learn from them & do better next time. Grandpa, I think you instilled in me honesty--you admitted there were things you did that you weren't proud of, but you also shared your wisdom. Thanks for being honest.
I'll always remember your pop-in visits. I remember coming home from school in El Paso & seeing you and Mac sitting at the kitchen table with a cooler full of shrimp. Mom wasn't home yet & there you were, waiting for us...you even brought dinner (you didn't know that "us King kids" didn't really eat seafood)! Another time, you were notorious for this Grandpa, was my 8th grade Honor Roll banquet. I remember my mom being frenzied when I came home from school about making the banquet on time & me being dressed neatly. I wasn't concerned...little did I know what was cookin'. When we got to the O Club, there you and Grandma were...mom was stalling for the confirmation phone call from the school's secretary promising enough seats for mom, dad, Grandma, Grandpa, & me. That one was REALLY a shocker!
Grandpa, you taught me to work hard & play hard. You were always going somewhere or doing something - camping in Alpine, boating at Lake Plesant, going for a ride, tinkering in your garage, building something in the backyard. You were in a constant state of motion. I always loved going on little drives with you to who knows where? Mostly Dairy Queen after washing cars, painting, or yard work! If you couldn't come, you'd always point us to the group that was going. I remember you telling me to call Aunt Ninn about attending the New Year's Day Fiesta Bowl Parade or getting into Ben & Stewart's old truck to go clay pigeon shooting out in the desert, "Just go, Krissy. You'll have fun!" you'd say. From you I learned to look for the goin' place & hop on ~ you'll miss the adventure if you don't join the group who's movin'!
You also just did a good job of noticing. When I mentioned to my mom one Thanksgiving that I wanted to make some wooden wall things, you told me I needed a jig saw...then proceeded to tell my mom where to find one in the garage. She looked & couldn't find one though. Later, I saw you on 'ol blue looking through Home Depot ads from the Sunday paper, "Hey Krissy, here's a $75 jig saw, on sale for $35. Wanna go get it?" Or when you really wanted me to make salsa...it was all my mom & Aunt Dee Dee would talk about (yes, we are all prone to your "midnight cravings" it would seem). I told my mom we needed a food processor & in you come with a $100 bill, "Jode', just go get it. Salsa sounds good to me too - not too spicy though Krissy." You always took an interest in our interests - I see it in my mom's, aunt's, uncle's, & cousins lives too. It made me feel special & loved...so Grandpa thanks for noticing me!
I don't know where the nickname Krissy came from, and honestly I never had the guts to tell you how much I HATED it. I even recall you getting pretty upset when I ignored you calling me it, because I really & truly didn't know you were talking to me. But, what I wouldn't give for you to tell me some story or give me some advice by starting, "Well, Krissy...". I'll always redirect others: that's a family nickname for me (used especially by my special Grandpa), my name is Kristan. Please call me Kristan. So, Here's to You...miss you & I'll ALWAYS love you & share your stories.